Don’t be a Goat

wabi sabi
3 min readOct 28, 2020


no one have it the way they say

don’t take to heart and break it

worries will always stay and sway

life is what you make of it

‘ There once lived a goat who had a golden watch always hanging around his neck. It looked heavy and it’s hands had stopped working. One day as the goat was walking around wearing that watch around his neck, his friend ‘rabbit’ asked him doesn’t it get uncomfortable ? that watch looks heavy and it’s hands doesn’t work. The goat said it’s alright and am kind of used to it now. This thought troubled the rabbit. Another day it was the goat’s birthday and the rabbit bought him a fancy looking and a soft ribbon. The goat’s eyes sparkled upon watching the ribbon .The goat took off the golden watch without a second thought and wore the ribbon and went around showing it off to all his other friends.’

Most of us or probably all of us are similar to the goat in the story in one way or another. The goat carried around that heavy watch which was of no use to him, whose hands have already stopped working in a similar way we carry around so many burdens and problems with us which are not as significant as we make them. We just get used to being that way and we get so used to our situation that we stop trying to change it until someone comes and pull us out of it. As soon as we are out of our misery we realize it was not supposed to be that way all this time. Getting used to one’s misery is worse than failing. Everyone deals with problems in their lives that need attention from them to solve it. If not given the required attention our mind can increase the intensity of these problems and then we decide to live with it rather than solving it. our mind only and only exists to solve problems and nothing else and when we stop trying to solve problems our mind creates problems of its own. So no matter what, you are bound to end up with problems. As they say ‘One can never escape his destiny’.

When you start to become comfortable with the uncomfortable that is where things start to become worse than they are supposed to be. One day or another you will surely find yourself in a situation like this be it in our career, our relationship or something else and we get stuck in that situation because change takes courage and most of us are good with just letting things happen.

It’s not a completely bad thing that we will always have problems no matter what, in fact it’s a good thing because our source of happiness is actually solving problems. We feel joy when we get something we want and need of that thing is a problem and as soon as we solve it we feel satisfied until another need or problem arrives.



wabi sabi

‘ how to fall back to the moon where I belong ?’